Wednesday, August 5, 2009

She Speaks - smack down

For those of you who read the comments left here with any regularity, you might recall that Chef Diane noticed a few months ago that I happen to heart key lime pie.

Then she started bragging that she makes a mean key lime pie. So mean, in fact, it's been dubbed "Smack Your Mama Key Lime Pie." (Otherwise known as SYMP). What's more, she offered to bring me some to the She Speaks conference.

I didn't know if she'd really do that. Would she go to all that trouble for moi? Despite having a very difficult and emotional week prior to She Speaks, that girl made the pie, froze it and drove it down here from Virgina. Ya'll, she brought me some SYMP! What a kind, personal, hand-made gift. I'm still remembering it today.

It was so good I did want to smack something - my lips as I woofed down another bite!

AND ... she also brought me a cake pan, one of her official chef coats, plus one of those floppy white chef hats. I'm giggling 'bout that - so are my local girlfriends who have actually tasted my cooking. I got my husband to try it on as he made fried bologna sandwiches for lunch.

The pie was delish and I decided we had to find Suzi Eller to share it with because just that day she had confessed to me her love of key lime cheesecake. (mental note: I must try that.) So Diane and I found about half the P31 team, many in their PJs, in Suzi's suite that evening to share a little pie and conversation. The gift of SYMP spread.

Thing is, the hotel was serving us key lime pie for dessert on Saturday night but I had to miss that to have dinner with my publisher and agent. No worries, I had an extra slice of SYMP in the mini fridge in my suite. Wasn't that sweet of Diane? Here she is with the sugary concoction she made for her eval group (which I missed out on). She promises to send me the pie recipe should anyone care to try it ... and this is a gal that keeps her promises. Thanks, Diane!


  1. How sweet of her to remember you in the midst of all her own pre-conference packing and gearing up!

  2. Yummy!! She is so sweet and thoughtful! I had the wonderful opportunity to meet her in Wendy Pope's session along with Kristen Myers--just precious.

    Btw--we not only heart key lime pie but fried bologna sandwiches here too!


  3. That's so cool! And what a lesson of keeping your word no matter what is going on in your life.

  4. By the way..if she does this or if anyone does this for you next year, if I'm there, you better look me up. :)

  5. I love, love, love key lime pie! I have a recipe but wonder if Chef Diane's is different.

  6. Rachel

    It was such a pleasure to make this for you. You are way too kind to write this about me. Thank- you!

    I need to know the best form to send the recipe to you. (I am sure another pie would be the best way) tee hee
    But we need to test out those chef's clothes with a recipe. So let me clarify, what format would you like me to send it to you in.

    When you are ready I can send you a Cheesecake recipe as well to test the new pan.

    I hope to have my new and improved blog back up soon. My desire is to make it a resource to share kitchen helps.

    Melanie, I would love to try your Key Lime recipe.

    Hope your time at the beach is relaxing Rachel.


Chime in.