Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Do Nothing for 2 Minutes

My one word for 2012 is CREATE. And I'm memorizing various verses this year that contain the word.

Such as ...

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." ~ Psalm 51:10

Sometimes I use scripture-typer to review the verses I'm learning. Sometimes I just write it out a lot in my journal. But lately I've started closing my eyes and repeating it to myself over and over as many times as I can in two minutes. I do this a couple times a day.

And sometimes I use this website to "time" me as I speak it out loud for two minutes:

The site counts down from two minutes to zero. You cannot touch your computer or mouse for those two minutes. Well, you can, but the goal is not to. Meanwhile, ocean sounds play in the background ... I've been known to leave it on after I'm done with the two minute review just to listen to the waves.

Pick verse and give it a try today.


  1. You share the neatest things with us, your lucky audience!! By the way, the rebel deep within me may find it difficult to NOT touch my mouse for the whole two minutes. ;)

  2. oooh...gadgets and minute (or is that 2 minute) challenges! I can't wait give it a try this evening. Something has got to help with the memorization part of studying the Word! I know it's a very good thing because the few passages I do have memorized pop into my head many a time to fill me with hope and security in the Lord. I would like to have a lot more stored in my noggin'. :-)

    Thanks, are ever helping me get deeper and know more! I agree with share the neatest things!



  3. Loved this! Do you mind if I share your idea with my readers, in Spanish?? It's great!



  4. Absolutely, Wendy. Do share. :)

  5. This is my two minutes experience. Thanks for sharing Rachel.

    A peaceful and exquisitely calm feeling came over me as I felt my breathing deepen. Then I thought, "breathing deep is not doing nothing. I wonder if I am supposed to be focusing on my breathing or really doing nothing.".... [More at]


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