I have a devotion running today with Proverbs 31 Ministries called Joining the Geek Squad. It’s about Daniel becoming a part of the Babylonian king’s pack of advisors. And how the wisdom of God preserved him there when things got dicey.
You should know I don’t consider the term “geek” derogatory. Note, I married a professor. And I’m just as likely to read a research article in an academic journal as I am to read Better Homes and Gardens. I’ve even been known to read Matthew Henry’s Commentary poolside.
Poke around this website and you’ll find I refer to myself as “a word geek who has fallen in love with the Word Made Flesh.” After all, He is the source of all grace and wisdom. And the amazing thing is, He’s willing to share it with us!
I’m sometimes asked why I wrote my new book It’s No Secret: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know, and that’s the reason. More specifically, Jesus’ comment to His followers in Matthew 13:11 propelled me. He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you.” I was captivated by the notion that God was willing to share His secrets with me. So I set out to discover what they are.
As I dug through the Bible I found many such secrets – biblical teachings that run counter to what our gut or culture tells us about successful living. The word secrets used here is translated from the Greek musterion, which means a sacred hidden truth that is naturally unknown to human reason but is made known by revelation of God. (I probably read that poolside while the other moms wondered what hefty reference book I was toting now.)
These God-sized secrets contain the keys we are looking for—answers to the issues of modern life, such as exhausting schedules, unpaid bills, relational conflicts, and unmet expectations. So I selected twelve of them I felt were particularly pertinent to women today and wrote the book. I would’ve included more secrets but the other moms assured me they don’t like toting around 3 lb. books.
The truth is, the secrets contained in the pages of my book are nothing new or hidden at all. They’ve all been wrapped within the Word of God and the person of Christ for thousands of years, readily accessible through the ages. But each generation of women must encounter and apply these truths for themselves.
As we do, we not only uncover the uncommon wisdom of God, but we also uncover our truest selves.
**So here’s your chance to snag a copy of the book and find out the secrets. My publisher David C. Cook is giving away a copy of It’s No Secret today on their Facebook page. All you have to do is follow this link and once there, post to complete the sentence: My favorite place to read is ______________ .
I think you know where I like to read.