Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reading Daniel

Yes, I realize Daniel is not a woman of the Bible. But I need to read his story right now in preparation for an upcomming sermon series at my church ... just to be clear, I don't preach the sermons at my church, I just work with a team that helps our pastor brainstorm and researach upcomming series.

So since I can only focus on maybe 24 things at a time and I have 28 on my plate, we're going to look at Daniel togther in lieu of another NT woman. That's OK with you, right? Great - you're so flexible!

The chapters I most need to focus on are the early chapters in the book of Daniel. We'll start with Daniel chapters One and Two, which are linked here. Let's pray:

"Lord, thank you for this day. Forgive us and cleanse our hearts and minds of anything that would prevent us from focusing on Your Word as we read. Holy Spirit of God, fill us with insight and understanding. Make this Word a light for our path - teach us how we should live from Daniel today. In Jesus' Name."

So go read it now and this time I'm going to deviate from tradition and let you go ahead and post your thoughts, reactions and questions. Some of you may have studied Daniel recently through a Beth Moore study ... if so, please summarize for us what you learned through it.

Happy reading - can't wait to hear your thoughts!


  1. Hello everyone.

    i read the passage and wanted to share with you girls some highlights that just jumped out to me in chapter 1.

    1. Daniel was handsome, and he had no defect. he was smart and i bet he had, according to others and maybe himself, his whole life ahead, a brilliant one, and full of security.

    2. when he was taken, he was forced to become an eunuch. meaning his hope for a family disappeared. not only that, but he now a Jew prince, had to serve an worldly man. to tell you the truth if that would've happened to me, my attitude would've been so much different than that of Daniel.

    3. we never see in the bible that he complained, not even once. his name was changed, his whole identity was now different, but he never complained. instead he choose to obey God.

    4. once he choose to obey God, then God gave him favor so that what he had determined in his heart, could be.

    5. once we decide to follow God without regarding the circumstances, then god honors us, and no one will be better than us. not because of us, but because He honors our choice.

    ok, I guess my comment is kinda long, so...umm, sorry for that.

    May God bless and keep you all.

  2. I agree that as Daniel surrendered to God he found favor in God's eyes as well as the King's. When we completely surrender to God whether we understand the reason or not, then we will find favor from God, our Heavenly Father.

    For several months three very dear counsins (sisters)of mine had a conflict. Two of the sisters either wrote me or called me. The one who kept calling I felt was reaching out for help and I gave her answers that I felt God was telling me. With prayer and being available for the one who called (she did not know the other one had written me her version of what was going on). As she said "it would make the Angels weep." The one calling could not do the things I suggested, but she did come to the conclusion that she missed her sisters and was at the point that she could forgive them. With the help of the daughter of one of the sisters, these 3 were brought back together and God answered my prayers. They agreed everything that happened was in the past and were starting afresh. To God be all the GLORY, and PRAISE. We here so many prayer requests (some from me) I just had to give a Praise report.

  3. This morning's devotions was on Ananias and Sapphira. It is part of a month's devotions on women of the Bible. It states that Sapphira made a fatal mistake; she chose complicity with her husband over truthful submission to the Holy Spirit. Reading these two chapters in Daniel really underscore what having total faith and submission to God can do. How easy it is for me to come up with excuses for doing something I know is wrong. How much more would God be glorified if I was always faithful and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit. Even a man that Daniel called the king of kings bowed down before him and praised God as being the God of gods. We know that he is the only true God, how more should we praise him and follow his directions!

  4. i love this story!

    blessings ~

  5. I see many years of service and training in these chapters. God granted Daniel and the other three wisdom and knowledge. They were faithful to Him even in the "little things" like refusing to eat the food or drink the wine that was provided to them by the king. By putting their faith and trust in God and His provision, they looked more healthy than the other men who ate and drank the provisions from the king.

    I was struck by the statement from the astrologers that "There is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men."

    It was true, the knowledge resided with God alone, but He does live among men. And isn't that something we need to remember every moment of every day! God provides for us. He provides health, wisdom, knowledge, truth, the answers, and a way out of our dire predicaments! We just have to be faithful in all His ways and to acknowledge Him in all we do.

    I hope you all have a great weekend! Good luck Rachel as you prepare for this ministry series!


  6. Powerful. I like that Daniel consistantly pointed to God:

    Daniel 2:21 - ....HE gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.

    Daniel 2:27-28 - ..."There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune tellers who can reveal the king's secret. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets.

    Daniel 2:30 - And it is not because I am wiser than anyone else that I know the secret of your dream, but because God wants you to understand what was in your heart.

    Everytime Daniel points to the God he serves. He gives glory to God and not himself. Ladies, may we do the same!!! :)

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

  7. Ok, well, just sticking with the woman thing... can we go with "Danielle"? Just kidding.
    I am going to read this passage this weekend during my quiet time. I'll be back!

    Rachel, thanks!

  8. Here's what popped out to me:

    v14 "Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact." Now there's some life application!

    v19 The first response Daniel had was to praise God...our King. Then he went to the king.

    He gave God the glory:
    v28 "...there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries"

    He was humble:
    v.30 "...not because I have greater wisdom than other living men..."

    God blessed Daniel for being steadfast and wholehearted for the Lord. vv48-49

    Rachel, personal note, God even gave me a scripture about the threshing floor and chaff in this passage! v35 Isn't He good??

    Now, excuse me, I must go eat some vegetables because being "healthier and better nourished" sounds good to me! :) (v15)

    Thanks, Rachel!

  9. I was at a conference this weekend and after going through the buffet line and piling up my plate it came to me that I was certainly eating the king's food . We all have choices to make in life, just like Daniel had, and we can choose to follow God (even in small things like what we eat) or we can choose the easy way out. Dear Lord help me to always follow you in all of the choices that I have to make. -

  10. Read it, but not feeling inspired to write about it.
    Thank you, Rachel, I pray your "plate" remains plentiful but manageable.

  11. Hi Rachel and other commenters

    At last i took the time to read..
    I was verry bussy and i was extending it.....

    While reading i admire Daniel and his friends commitment to serve God daily by not vilating the food rules and Daniels attitude to stay calm no matter he heard that the king will execute all wise men...

    I myself suffer esp now in TRUSTING in all circumstances
    I believe Daniel trust in God was verry huge... and believing that his life was in the hands of God and not in the King made him so bold,brave and wise.....
    And he must have had a humble spirit to achieve this also..
    I pray for a humble spirit to become like Daniel ( or "Danielle" smile......)

    Thanks Rachel to direct us to these chapters.....

  12. thank you all for your wonderful and wise insights into the reading in Daniel. I had heard and read the story before, but I noticed new things this time like many of you. What really was revealed to me was that Daniel knew God would give him the answer. He had confidence in God alone and did not shrink back in fear but was very bold. Like many of you mentioned, God blessed Daniel as he took these bold actions.

  13. Sorry I am so late on this. Life has a way of blocking the things of God.

    I agree that trust is the big issue. Daniel trusted the Lord to give him what he needed to survive. Too often I want to trut but find it difficult. I wonder why? The Lord has never let me down no matter what the need or even when I have put myself in a situation. He always provides but I do not always understand.

    Bless all of you.


Chime in.