Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Blessings

This little plaque is hanging in my home. It was a gift from a sweet gal at one of the Christmas events I spoke at earlier this month. Several weeks ago - both in a devotion and at that event - I issued a challenge: to count our blessings regularly between the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Doing this transforms my vision, my attitude and my heart. And that prepares me for the truth that is Christmas. It enables me to feel the merry part as well as the Christmas part.

So I invite you to join us today. In the comments, list 5 things you are thankful for this Christmas season. It can be anything, big or small. Here's my list for today:

  1. Connecting afresh emotionally and spiritually with my daughter yesterday.
  2. My husband, and his servant's heart.
  3. Clementines in winter.
  4. Good neighbors.
  5. The unfailing promises of God - which I'm praying for several of my friends today.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever!

Merry Christmas from my home to yours!


  1. 1-my family here
    2-my church
    3-my job
    4-warmth on this cold day
    5-proverbs 31 ministry

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas, Rachel.

    Good idea. This might be cheating but today mine are

    1. Jesus
    2. Jesus
    3. Jesus
    4. Jesus
    5. Jesus!

  3. 1- my husband of 25 years
    2- my children & grandchildren
    3- my husband has a job
    4- freedom to worship God
    5- most important that he loves me

    merry christmas

  4. 1. Electric blanket
    2. snow covered ground
    3. sleeping children
    4. safety traveling
    5. that our children are CRAZY about their daddy...I hope that was infectious from me!

    That is my 5 at this minute on this day...then there are more!


Chime in.