Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Classes begin

I love learning. It keeps life interesting - life should interest.

It's week two of the semester and I'm enjoying being on the other side of the classroom for a change - in the student's seat. I'm sitting in on a Psychology of Religion class at my state university this semester and so far it's fascinating. Not to mention, since I'm in the fellow-student's seat and not the teacher's, I'm free to comment however I feel led.
The prof is an excellent teacher. He is not a Christian, though his mother is a strong Southern Baptist.

The best part though, is my husband walks me to class.  He meets me in the parking lot and escorts me to the classroom door.  If you read chapter one of It's No Secret, you'll understand why this makes me giddy. I feel young.

Other professors see us in the hall and smile as we kiss goodbye at the classroom doorway.  (Note, we did not do that in chapter one's story.) So I think this class could be good for my marriage. Maybe I'll take more in the future. A creative writing class maybe. I wonder if they have university cooking classes?

Today I'm also reading some in the book of Esther. I'm doing Beth Moore's Esther study this nine weeks and have to be ready to lead tomorrow night's session. Have you done this one? We're just starting but I'm certain I'll learn loads between these pages.

I think Beth's studies are terrific. I'm also kind of partial to Jennifer Kennedy Dean's studies. Do you have a favorite? I'm guessing no one will answer this one, but ever read anything on the psychology of religion?  My inner geek wants to write a "This is Your Brain on God" book!

Off to finish my homework...


  1. Sorry, nothing on Psychology of Religion... I participated in the Esther study and found it to be absolutely wonderful. There are so many nuggets of truth, wonders of growth I experience in Beth Moore Bible studies. It was refreshing and encouraging to me. Enjoy it Rachel! Monica

  2. I had Beth Moore's Esther study in my hands the other night trying to decide if I should do it. Thanks for being the prod to make me move. I am going to do it. I also am fininshing a study by Max Lucado from his book "Cast Of Characters". It is wonderful and such a blessing! It makes the characters in the bible real in such a creative way.
    Enjoy your class and the youthful feelings it brings!

  3. Lara's Laugh LinesJanuary 20, 2011

    "This is Your Brain On God" by Rachel Olsen

    I like the sound of that title. I am reminded of Romans 12:2"...BUT be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing & perfect will."

    Enjoy your class & your study.

  4. Love this post, Rachel, and the picture of your husband walking you to class!!

    I too am a student this semester. Usually I teach our Bible study, but this semester we are doing Priscilla Shirer's Jonah study, and I am so excited to sit and learn and be a "part" of our study and not the teacher. The title is Jonah: Navigating Life Interrupted. I can't wait!


  5. I think the study that impacted my life more than any other was Beth Morroe's study of Daniel...How we have out modern day Babylon right here...we have to live with integrity for God and be in the world but not part of it...so very hard sometimes. I also liked the prophacy parts...

    I love thinking of your and your dear hubby walking to class together---how sweet! :0)

  6. I've done about 6 of the Beth Moore studies, but have not taken the Esther study. My favorite's been "Jesus the One and Only."

    At this time, I'm participating in the Beth Moore Revelation study. It is very full and intense, but so much to learn! I think it's quite a good idea to study this book.

    Yes, I remember reading Chap. 1 in your book, Rachel! Love the reference to it here, regarding how you met your husband!


  7. Our Monday night women's group read Beth Moore's book "Praying God's Word". We created topical bible studies to supplement the book and it turned out to be a phenominal study! I haven't had a chance to do the Esther study yet but it sure sounds interesting. It's so refreshing to hear that you and your husband are still "sweethearts". Keep up the good witness at school and enjoy your class! Dena

  8. Beth Moore's book, "Praying God's Word" was phenominal. We created topical studies to supplement the book for our Monday night women's group and really gleaned alot of truths from it. It's nice to hear that you and your husband are still "sweethearts"! Keep up the good witness in school and enjoy your class. Dena

  9. Dear Sister in Christ, I just found your blog (through the devotionals I receive), and for some reason I clicked on it, something I don 't normally do. I praise God that I did. I love the way you think (like a writer)... I am one myself, but have been not so successful in presenting it to the world. I would love to share 1 or 2 with you, with your permission. If you have the time, my email is laydieadaemensah@gmail.com
    Now, to read more of your wonderful blog!!
    In HIS love, Barbara A. Adae-Mensah


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