Friday, January 28, 2011

On a Friday

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about goodness, peace and joy – like I wrote in today’s The Blessed Life  devotion – and how it not just relates to, but literally IS life in God’s kingdom (Romans 14:17).

Think about that a second.

And it’s God who brings His kingdom to us. We cannot build a tower high enough to glimpse it.

Jesus says that by keeping His commands we remain in His love, which in turn leads to our joy being complete (John 15:10-12).

In his book The Pursuit of Holiness (on my reading list for January) Jerry Bridges quotes Dr. William Hendriksen explaining how God’s love both precedes and follows our obedience. He explains that God’s love “by preceding our love … creates in us the eager desire to keep Christ’s precepts; then by following our love, it rewards us for keeping them.”

Bridges goes on to note that, “Joy not only results from a holy life, but there is also a sense in which joy helps produce a holy life.”

Think about that a second!

I’ve got a full day planned today, but I’m aiming to walk through it with peace and joy. I’m thinking that this, as much as any prayers or good deeds I may do, will elevate this ordinary Friday to the status of holy. Every Friday could be holy, not to mention happy, if lived in this way. So I'm thankful to the Giver for the opportunity to live each day with Him in His kingdom.

That's what I've been thinking - I’d love to hear what you’ve been thinking. What’s God been teaching you lately? Leave a comment about it and you’ll be entered to win the copy of It’s No Secret I’ll give away here on Monday.  Have a lovely weekend.

PS. Wednesday's book winner is Krista Barney. Congrats & email me your addy! 


  1. Well, since my husband was laid off work in November God has been teaching me so much. One of the things is to choose to live my life with His peace and joy while He attends to my problems. Sometimes that is really hard and I have to make a conscious effort to it.Trusting Him! Wendy Meijer

  2. I want to "elevate this ordinary Friday" into one that is fact, you are challenging me to do that for every other day of the week as well - even Monday! Yesterday, after one of the most challenging days I think I've known in a while, I got the chance to truly walk in that peace that you write about - not because of something I had done, but because I realized He had already done it all. Thanks for the reminder that today is another chance to walk in His peace.

  3. Thank you for the devotional and encouraging words. I have been making an effort to focus on Him throughout the day. I can say it truly makes a difference. We are so undeserving of anything he does for us. I am quite graceful for his grace and mercy today and everyday.

  4. Wow, the Lord has been teaching me so much lately! To trust Him completely and let go of the control has been the big one. I couldn't have imagined the freedom and peace that brings! Thank you Lord!!

  5. God is teaching me I can trust Him and lean on Him. He is strong enough to hold me up and direct my faith. He is faithful - I can trust Him.

  6. His mercies are new every morning! Thank you for the reminder of what a gift God's love for us is and for the quote from Jerry Bridges' book.

  7. I would love to be able to go through the day at work with God's Peace instead of letting the things at work drive me. Thank you for your offer.

  8. This Friday morning, the sun is shining through my office window, bouncing off the white snow, and I am happy. I am ready to anticipate any divine encounters today, ready to embrace them, and I hope to share my joy with those whose only joy is waiting for the week to end. Peace!

  9. Ever since my sister died three years ago, God has taught me to appreciate every day that He gives me. An ordinary day that my family was taken care of by His proivisions is truly an extraordinary day. God is teaching me to focus on His kingdom rather than the seemingly "large" complexities of this life. Of course, these are continuous journeys. Thank you for the wonderful devotion.


  10. It's God through me, it's me through God. Nothing in my own power and ability can accomplish all He promises. In that, I always fall short, always stay frustrated. In God, as used by God I find peace and joy.

  11. Thanks for the challenge to elevate each day to one that is holy. So much of our walk with Christ is choices to trust, walk, have joy, etc. not because we have to but because we want to.

  12. Thank you for this devotional today. God always provides, I take my eyes off of that so often and fret and worry about how to make ends meet. This week I have not worried and today, God is providing everything I need. Remembering that He always provides is my prayer today.

  13. God has been teaching to pray UNCEASINGLY.

    I am a teacher and this year my high school students are a tough bunch to handle.

    So, God has been teaching me to pray for my students.

    God has also been teaching me to pray for my family.UNCEASINGLY!

    God has been teaching to pray for others and lesser on myself

    God has been teaching me to pray from the scriptures.Thats really very good!


  14. God has been teaching me how wretched I am in my own self. I desparately need more of Him, but am struggling to take hold. I'd appreciate your prayers. Thanks, Jenny C.
    Thank you for doing the "giveaway."

  15. Great question... God is teaching to take each day, each hour, and each episode in my life for exactly what their are a gift and not a burden. Sometimes the musts, should, and need to taks we get in life are so overwhelming that overshadows what is really important.

  16. Thanks for the great reminder. We humans tend to think that doing "the right thing" will always bring peace. Peace is actually a person, the Prince of Peace, and only His presence in our lives can bring that result.

  17. God is teaching me to follow his words to be still and know Him and listen to Him.

  18. Wow I was only just yesterday talking to my husband about me being a follower of the rules person - a good person - thanks for the devotion on living in peace and joy!!!! I strive to allow God in my everyday life _ to pray more with faith that he CAN DO IT , and to listen to him - thanks too- I'll make this day a holy day too!
    Sue M

  19. God is teaching me to be Rooted. That's the word for me this year. I long to be more firmly rooted in Him, His word, to not be so freaked out with 'stuff' that happens in life! It will be quite a year =)

  20. Right now i am being taught that the closer I walk with God the harder the enemy comes at me. I have not been in a battle for a while, but God's been preparing me for this day. I have learned that nothing is impossible with God. Prayer works miracles and completly submit to HIM!!

  21. Rachel,
    I am finally learning that the peace and joy of God compares to nothing else. I don`t have to earn it. I have learned that as I grow closer to my God and really love him, he gives me the peace and joy that nothing else can. We have had a hard couple of years, but nothing the peace of God is worth it.

  22. I have been learning when you hear God speaking to you and it seems so far it..He won't let you down.

    So many blessins await

    Sharon inWisconsin

  23. I think I understand the joy thing a little...I am studying Philippians (Kay Arthur) and it makes sense...joyful life will produce a holy life because you want mor joy...something to meditate on this weekend...Thank you, Rachel

  24. I am in the middle of hopefully donating my liver to my mom. This is the same mom who abandoned me on many occasions. I was in and out of foster care my entire childhood due to her abandonments. I love my mom and am amazed at the love and forgiveness I have for her. Only God could have done that for us. I do struggle with feeling unloved and forgotten by God but oddly enough in the midst of this difficult time I have felt so near to my Daddy (God, I never knew a dad). I know I am not abondoned and I know I am loved, and not cuz he has to but because he wants to. He actually enjoys loving on me. Crazy concept. I have resolved to not settle living life just to survive, I have resolved to live the aboundant life that he has promised. Part of that aboundant life is to find the joy in the midst of these trials. I am overwhelmed at how much joy I see around me when I am looking to my Daddy. It doesn't make sense. I am learning to enjoy where he has me, even when it isn't nessecarily where I would have asked to be. I don't have to figure it all out I just gotta trust him and enjoy the benefits of being His little girl.
    God is so very good.

    Lanie George

  25. God is teaching me about obedience. The peace and joy you talked about in your devotion seems so stunted and cut off in my life when I am making choices to not spend my time with the Lord, or obey what I know He is calling me to do.

  26. I'm on an emotional rollercoaster and God is helping me find strength in Him. I just had a baby one week ago and my husband has been laid off for 3 mo. God is providing in miraculous ways: He's teaching me to trust in Him and rely on Him.

    Amy V

  27. I love your challenge ! It allows me to slow down long enough to thank God for the whispers He allows me to hear. He has been saying slow down and let your husband be the leader of our family, stand firm on My word and although you will be mocked I will be by your side, honor your body as My temple, and despite every short-coming you are My Child. Thanks again.

  28. Thanks for the encouraging words Rachel. God has been teaching me lately that I have to remember to lift my family up in prayer everyday, not only when they have a need. I need to pray they will turn to God in all things and find his wisdom on a daily basis. My children are grown adults with lives of their own now but I will always be their mother and it is my job to pray for them. It brings a lot of peace when I know I have laid them before him every morning for the new mercies God has promised.

  29. I have been learning a lot in the last year! It all started in seeking to expand the ministry of our church and God gave me a job doing something I love to do: teach ESL to internationals. As amazed by that I started working on a certificate for teaching ESL and took some classes that really opened my eyes to where I was supposed to be and living a servant's life, only living to please God. In learning that, I am also learning about myself and how to live my life in a way that shows my husband and daughter that God is the most important thing no matter what life throws at us. That my friend is the hardest part and is fought daily!

  30. hi,

    I have been learning about peace in a Bible study by Beth Moore. Your devotion was like another flag being waved saying how important peace is in my life as a child of God. Thank you for the devotional.

  31. I've been learning some great lessons about NOT GIVING UP!
    I had reached a point of hopelessness regarding some ministry stuff. And honestly, there are still hurdles to jump but God has sent an awesome possibility our way recently and I'm happy to say He hasn't forgotten me & my family!

  32. I am learning to trust is God for all my needs and not try and tie my happiness to things or people. My desire is for the Lord and what He wants for me. I don't know what He has in mind, but I know that His ways are higher than mine. I am learning to lean on His everlasting arms in the times of calm, as well as, storms.

  33. My walk with Lord has strayed for the past couple years. I had visited several church's trying to find a home but the church's I visited I just didn't feel the presence of the Lord there. One morning on my way to work I heard Lysa on KSBJ(don't know why I changed my radio station that morning but I told my 2 teenage girls that I felt I needed to listen to KSBJ that morning) she was talking about her book Made to Crave. She touched me that morning on the radio and I searched for her book and found the last copy at our local book store. While searching on the internet I found Melissa Taylor's bible study. I have never felt closer to the Lord than I do now. After everything that has happened to my family in last 2 years I always new God would get me through it but today I feel such peace. I am looking forward to Melissa's next bible study " It's No Secret" I want to thank you for your devontional it really touched my heart. God Bless You!


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